Date | Disclosure title | Observer |
2024/08/09 | Decision on Cash Dividend and Dividend in Kind(중간배당) | |
2024/07/05 | Organization of Investor Relations Event | |
2024/06/17 | Organization of Investor Relations Event | |
2024/05/24 | Closing date of stock book for Interim dividend | |
2024/05/24 | Decision on Entering into Trust Contract for Acquisition of Treasury Stock | |
2024/04/03 | Organization of Investor Relations Event | |
2024/03/28 | Outcomes of Annual Meeting of Shareholders | |
2024/03/28 | Ex-Dividend | KOSDAQ STOCK MKT. |
2024/03/19 | Submission of Audit Report | |
2024/03/13 | Resolutions for Convocation of General Meeting of Shareholders |